University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Conference Center
115 McKenna Hall
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
$850 per 8′ x 8′ space.
- Draped space (8′ high back drape, 3′ high side drape)
- Company name sign
- One 6′ draped table and two chairs
- Two conference registrations
- Full page black & white ad (see details below)
- General security
- Exhibitor badges for booth personnel
- Vendor presentation (if signed up by February 1, 2012)
—The exhibition floor is low pile industrial carpet.
—Electrical and internet connections are NOT included in
the booth price
- 50% non-refundable deposit due upon booking
- Full balance due on or before April 13, 2012
- Cancellations after April 13, 2012 are non-refundable
- Move In
- Wednesday, June 13 4:00 pm–7:00 pm
- Thursday, June 14 7:00 am–8:00 am
- Exhibit Hours
- Thursday, June 14 8:00 am–3:00 pm
- Friday, June 15 8:00 am–3:00 pm
- Move Out
- Friday, June 15 3:00 pm–5:00 p
All exhibitors at CALICO receive a full page black & white advertisement in the Conference Program, which is distributed to all attendees of the conference. Space is available for the cover and/or color ads at an additional charge. Electronic art must be provided by the advertiser in a pdf format to info@calico.org.
Closing date for insertion and artwork is March 1, 2012. For pricing, details and upgrade order information please contact CALICO directly at 512-245-1417.